My First Book of Bible Promises
Carine Mackenzie
297 pages, Christian Focus , ISBN: 9781845500399 [MACK83]
150 x 100 x 4 , 1 volume(s), 66.3g
Usually dispatched within 48 hours
Another little book in the series intended for daily reading with some fifty Bible promises, each with a short encouragement for the young child. Many urge the children to look to Christ for forgiveness of sin; the majority offer comfort and encouragement for life's journey. Promises are grouped together under such headings as 'God Cares, Blesses, Guides', followed by 'God's Word' and 'Salvation', then 'Eternity, Prayer, Sin, Fear'.
We should be concerned that all the bright, attractive pen drawings are of white children.
In the same series:
My First Book of Bible Prayers
OUR PRICE •£2.00, RRP •£2.50
59 pages, booklet, Christian Focus [ROSS04]