Gold from Dark Mines

Gold from Dark Mines

Irene Howat



206 pages, Christian Focus Publications , ISBN: 9781857929430 [HOWA04]

17.8 cm x 10.9 cm x 1.5cm , 1 volume(s), 120g

Usually dispatched within 48 hours

Reviews mostly by Dr Peter Masters

Sunday school prize-giving suggestion for 10-14 year olds

This book is unusual and helpful in that its emphasis is on the years which preceded the conversion of these six famous Christians, including some who came from a more religious background but who still needed to undergo a real and vital experience of forgiveness themselves. The author makes this most interesting information compelling and easy reading. Subjects are: Augustine of Hippo, Bunyan, Lady Huntingdon, Jonathan Edwards, Spurgeon, and Isobel Kuhn.