How to be a Bible Princess

How to be a Bible Princess

Catherine Mackenzie



297 pages, Christian Focus , ISBN: 9781845508258 [MACK94]

- 1 volume(s), 400g

Usually dispatched within 48 hours

Reviews mostly by Dr Peter Masters

Sunday school prize-giving suggestion for 8-11 year olds

This book with its glittering title and royal symbols on the cover is obviously intended to catch the attention of our modern young 'princesses' (ages 8-11).
Instead of a predictable account of a Bible character with a similarly predictable application, the author presents them with a difficult or alarming situation which they themselves may meet in life, but which (unknown to them) has strong parallels with that of the Bible princess of each given chapter. The girls are asked to choose one of three actions they would take in these situations ' and the outcome.
By this ingenious means the young reader will enter the world of these royal characters ' Abigail, Jehosheba, Esther, the Queen of Sheba and Pharaoh's daughter, as well as the ungodly Jezebel and Herodias' daughter ' in a way that they are likely to remember and ponder for some time to come.
The aim ' to make our young women daughters of the King of Heaven who can learn from the wisdom and mistakes of their forebears.