Should Christians Drink? Condensed edition

Should Christians Drink? Condensed edition
Should Christians Drink? Condensed edition
Should Christians Drink? Condensed edition
Should Christians Drink? Condensed edition

Peter Masters



32 pages, Wakeman Trust , ISBN: 9781899046379 [MAST92]

- 1 volume(s), 80g

Usually dispatched within 48 hours

Reviews mostly by Dr Peter Masters

What are the biblical arguments which convinced the overwhelming majority of Bible-believers over the last two centuries that the Lord wants His people to abstain? Are alchoholic drinks right or wrong for a Christian? Are they 'good' or 'evil'? What are the differences between the wine industry of Bible times and the industry of today? The answers to these questions must be answered at the present time, as long-cherished standards are challenged and shaken by prevailing worldliness in the churches of Christ.

(Part of the "Read for the Lord" Programme)