Men of Destiny
Peter Masters
164 pages, Wakeman Trust , ISBN: 9781870855556 [MAST07]
185 mm x 120 mm x 10 mm , 1 volume(s), 266.5g
Usually dispatched within 48 hours
Here are the lives of fourteen remarkable people having in common a personal spiritual experience which changed and moulded them.
Given to unconverted people, these biographies challenge the heart and open the way to further spiritual influence.
For the preacher, youth leader or Sunday School teacher, they provide outstanding testimonies to illustrate and enrich messages for years to come.
Extracts from this book
It is fascinating to read of how the Lord dealt with all these individuals in his own way leading them step by step to him. Their coming to Christ reveals the glorious grace of God in saving them. Also some of these individuals' waywardness once they were Christians shows just how deceitful our hearts are even when we are converted! Their experiences in this regard are a sobering lesson. However to read of the powerful evidences of Christ in these men is a wonderful encouragement to us all for it reveals the glory and goodness of God in recreating his fallen creatures to his own likeness. - English Churchman
Table of Contents