Children of the Bible

Children of the Bible

C. Mackenzie



297 pages, Christian Focus , ISBN: 9781845504502 [MACK44]

260mm x 200mm x 5mm , 1 volume(s), 234g

Usually dispatched within 48 hours

Reviews mostly by Dr Peter Masters

Publisher's note.

The Bible really is alive! These stories really are true! The characters in God's Word will come alive for you too when you go back to Bible times to discover about the times that they lived in. In this book you can find out about some very special children from God's Word.


Children of the Old Testament .................................................... 5

Isaac - Child of Promise ................................................................... 7

Ishmael - Sent Away ........................................................................ 8

Isaac - God Provided ..................................................................... 10

Joseph - The Dreamer ...................................................................... 12

Joseph - Sold to Egypt .................................................................... 14

Moses - Baby in the River ............................................................. 16

Children - Wanting to know ........................................................... 18

Samuel - The Boy God spoke to .................................................... 20

David - The Shepherd Boy ............................................................ 22

David beats Goliath ....................................................................... 24

The Boy who was hungry .............................................................. 27

The Boy who came back to Life ..................................................... 28

The Girl who helped her Master .................................................... 30

Joash - The Boy King .................................................................... 32


Children of the New Testament ................................................ 35

The Girl raised to Life .................................................................... 36

The Boy who gave his lunch to Jesus ............................................ 38

Jesus loved Children ..................................................................... 41

Timothy - A Young Missionary ....................................................... 42

Jesus - A Special Baby .................................................................. 44

Jesus - A Special Child ................................................................... 46